Three-Day Retreat, Friday, March 14 – 16

with Ann Pepper, JDPSN

Daily 7 am – 4:30 pm Pacific Time

Beginning on Friday March 14, we’ll gather our online and in-person communities for an immersion in group practice, a Dharma talk, and personal Dharma dialogues.

This retreat will be conducted as a hybrid of in-person practice in the Blue Heron dharma room and online using Zoom.  You may participate in person, online, or a combination of these.

Please register using the form on this page by the Tuesday before the retreat. You may register for the entire retreat or any combination of days that fits your schedule. Once you have submitted your registration, please try to commit to your submitted schedule.

To Join Online: Our group practice Zoom link is here.
You can login up to 10 minutes before our daily 7am Pacific Time start time.

To Join In Person: come to Blue Heron by 6:50am Pacific Time on each day. Masks are optional, and will be available. No food will be served; bring a lunch for the lunch break.

Retreat Fees :

Members: $25 plus dana per day.
Non-Members: $35 plus dana per day.

Retreat Registration:

In order to reserve your space:
1) Complete and submit the registration form, and
2) Submit your payment by clicking on the Payment button on the next page.

Step 1: Register