Precepts Workshop
What are Zen Precepts?
They are a way to commit to Zen practice and express an affinity with the Blue Heron Zen Sangha. The Five Precepts express one’s practice to abstain from:
- taking life (traditionally: killing)
- taking things not given (stealing)
- misconduct done in lust (misusing sex)
- lying (false speech)
- intoxicants taken to induce heedlessness (drunkenness)
At the workshop, we will discuss what the Precepts mean and how they fit into Zen practice. Those who take Precepts receive a brown kasa and a Buddhist name in our lineage.
Are you eligible?
Precepts candidates should:
- Practice regularly with BHZC either in person or online
- Have experience in Dharma Dialogues with our Zen Masters or Ji Do Poep Sa teachers
- Have attended one or more retreats at BHZC
- Be a member of BHZC at any financial level
- Have one year of experience in Zen practice (including BHZC or elsewhere)
Next steps
If you are interested in taking Five Precepts — or in learning more about them at the March 10 workshop — please email Chris Chapman JDPSN at
For those interested in Precepts beyond Five Precepts (such as Ten Precepts)
We hope to hold a second ceremony later in 2024. Stay tuned.